Project Support
Use the power of A3 deployment , Priority deployment or the DMAIC in order to get your process improvements on track.
Not all improvement projects need a complex structure to eliminate a cause of waste. Sometimes a simple “To-do” approach is sufficient. Unfortunately, conversely, many projects fail because they do not contain a good definition, go uncontrolled and / or do not contain a basic structure.
Our approach is aimed at using the right tools that are proportionate to the size of the challenge.
The Pick chart and the Critical-To matrix help to structure all the challenges that lie ahead. We distinguish the following improvement project forms:
- Single person activity most times solved within one day
Kaizen events
- A dedicated action with a huge impact. A multi functional team existing of 5 to 8 persons who will be devoted to an improvement action for 2 to 5 days.
Ambitie / improvement project
- A multifunctional team working for maximum 3 month on one improvement activity. Larger projects are splitted up.
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The A3 deployment document and the Ambition improvement documents are offering a clear roadmap so you can keep track on your progress.
The power of A3 is the simple overview of the whole project on one page only. | ![]() |
The Ambition Improvement document has a very extensive project approach. The basic document consists of numerous sub-sheets which serve to determine the correct “Root cause” to which the correct measures can be taken. | ![]() |
Our structured improvement approach ensures that improvement projects succeed!